Hi-R 888WMD-T walkthrough metal detector with temperature scanner
Walkthrough Metal Detector with buil-in Temperature scanner.
It has 2 Temperature scanner for 1.5m and 1.2m height for taller and medium ht. persons.
advantages: it can detect up to 40persons per minute. If detected High fever it will show alarm record reading on LCD screen above and all Zones shows on alarming LED blinking and beep sounds.
It can link to any door access, turnstile or any people control devices to eliminate the passing of high risk individual.
it can also manage by Software to see the events and configuration.
The Best equipment for detecting High Fever, it is best for all entrances such as casinos, factories, airport, malls, terminals, etc.
1 year warranty on any manufacturing defects
we can ship plus shipping cost to any part of the world.