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Hi-R Fm200 Cabinet type System

Hi-R Fm200 Cabinet type System

Hi-R FM200 Cabinet type System

it contains FM 200 chemical agent or Heptafluoropropane that is clean agent chemical advisable for clean room, server room, library, storage room, kitchen, etc.,

No residue during activation, it suppress the presence of oxygen on air to avoid any ignition of fire.

System is comprehensive type that integrates the auto valve, control panel, Fire Detection and Alarm system, Heat and Smoke detectors, External Stobe light and Siren, By pass switch system or manual switch.

we can designed appropriate system that can fit to your working volumetric areas.

FM200 agent is long life years of chemical efficacy and effectiveness that not void or expired.

We can also refill once the system is empty or near empty due to Fire activation or leak issues.

We can also do preventive maintenance to check the leak and effectiveness of the whole system.


  • additional Information

    Hi-R FM200 Cabinet type Suppression System composed of:

    1 x Cabinet for single cylinder or based on how many cylinder as per required volumetric areas.

    1 x Cylinder Gas tank with FM 200 gas agent with pressure gauge

    1 x FDAS -Fire detection Alarm System made in Portugal

    1 x Heat detector

    1 x Smoke detector

    1 x Strobe light with Siren

    1 x Auto valve nozzle, can put more depends on area to be secured

    1 x set of Lead acid Batteries for power back up

    1x Gas warning releasing signal LCD display

    1 x Remote Breakglass or Keyswitch or Press switch 

    1 x set of Breaker 

    1 x set of Power Source adoptor with 220VAC plug for ready to use.



  • Additional information

    Not yet included on the package:

    Mobilization and delivery, mounting, and testing and turnover.

  • Warranty

    1 year warranty on all parts and devices including leak problem

    life time warranty on FM 200 Gas chemical 

  • Shipping

    can ship to any part of the Philippines with additional shipping cost

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02-8-772-2766; 02-8-8079013; 02-8-8078909; Sales direct: 02-8-994-5539; 02-8994-6513; 02-8994-6521; 09178311083

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