Hi-R TP5000P (Guard Tour Patrol Stick)
Guard Tour System Professional Manufacturer
Patrol stick with 7200 memory storage, 9VDC LED and beep indicators
hir.main@gmail.com ; hir.access@gmail.com; hirsystemscctv@gmail.com ; hir.security@gmail.com ; hir.gateautomation@gmail.com
02-8-772-2766; 02-8-8079013; 02-8-8078909; Sales direct: 02-8-994-5539; 02-8994-6513; 02-8994-6521; 09178311083
Security Controls and Specialty Products
Systems Integrator
Guard Tour System Professional Manufacturer
Patrol stick with 7200 memory storage, 9VDC LED and beep indicators